Trial the world's most advanced hearing aids FREE!

Trial the world's most advanced hearing aids FREE!

Free  trial Signia Nx hearing aids

Simply register below for a FREE trial in our Melbourne hearing clinics. Limited spots available!

Not just a hearing aid, a complete hearing solution – the tiny Signia Pure Nx hearing aids are the world’s most advanced hearing aid technology.

Having trouble hearing out socially? Enjoy sound as nature intended. Signia Pure Nx hearing aids let you enjoy effortless hearing, even in the most challenging situations.

Benefits of Signia Pure Nx hearing aids:

  • Delivers unprecedented natural sound experience and allows wearers to understand speech in difficult listening situations; such as background noise

  • Stream phone calls, music and TV directly to your hearing aids – like a pair of high quality wireless headphones*

  • Easy to use – discreet control of your hearing aids via iPhone and Android phones*

  • Ultra discreet with a comfortable fit

Sign me up for the FREE trial!

Contact us for more information

*Android phones require the Signia StreamLine Mic

30th Apr 2018 Ryan

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